Principios de Apertura (Fuseki)
1. Primero, ocupa una esquina vacía. Segundo, haz un cierre de esquina (shimari) o una jugada de aproximación (kakari). Tercero, haz una extensión.
2. Extiende tres espacios desde una pared de dos piedras.
3. Extiende cuatros espacios desde una pared de tres piedras.
4. Establece una posición dentro de la esfera de influencia de tu oponente con una extensión de dos espacios (nikken tobi)
5. Extiende hasta cinco espacios desde un cierre de esquina (shimari).
6. Intenta extender al menos cinco espacios desde una pared de gran envergadura.
7. Cuando dos cierre de esquina (shimari) se enfrentan entre sí, el primero en jugar en el punto central entre ellos obtendrá ventaja.
Jugadas Urgentes
8. Haz las jugadas urgentes antes que jugadas grandes de apertura.
9. Haz las jugadas urgentes antes de construir o atacar un bosquejo territorial (moyo).
10. Defender tus piedras débiles es urgente.
11. Ataca las piedras débiles de tu oponente.
Bosquejo Territorial (Moyo)
12. Juega en el cruce de dos moyos opuestos.
13. Amplía tu moyo mientras reduces el del oponente.
14. Amplía tu moyo con la extensión de doble ala (
15. Al ampliar un moyo a larga escala, juega en cuarta línea.
16. Reduce el moyo de tu oponente con un golpe en el hombro.(
17. Reduce un moyo jugando en él, no más allá de su borde exterior.
18. No dejes que tu oponente haga un moyo mientras reduce el tuyo.
19. Debes estar dispuesto a transferir un moyo desd una parte del tablero a otra.
Respondiendo a una invasión en el punto 3-3 (san-san)
20. Contra una invasión en el 3-3, bloquea en el lado en el que haces un gran moyo o territorio.
21. Contra una invasión en el 3-3, defiende el territorio en el que has invertido.
Principios miscelaneos en la Apertura (Fuseki)
22. Confina las piedras de tu adversario
23. No permitas que tus piedras sean confinadas.
24. Separa las piedras de tu adversario en grupos débiles, luego ataca
25. Mantén un balance entre la cuarta y tercera línea.
26. Refuerza piedras extensamente distanciadas.
27. No hay Ko en la apertura.
Principios del Medio Juego (Shuban)
Sabaki y jugadas livianas (
28. Pegar para hacer sabaki.
29. Sacrificar algunas piedras puede ser necesario para hacer sabaki.
30. Escapa ligeramente en el centro con piedras pesadas.
Grosor (Atsumi)
31. No te acerques al Atsumi.
32. No juegues en la dirección del Atsumi.
33. No uses el Atsumi para hacer territorio.
34. No uses tu Atsumi para atacar.
35. Ponnuki vale 30 puntos. (
36. Caparazón de tortuga vale 60 puntos. (
Crawling and Pushing
37. Don't crawl along the second line.
38. Don't crawl along the third line.
39. Make a wall by pushing along the fourth line.
40. Crawl along the fourth line.
41. Don't push on the fifth line.
42. Don't push on the sixth line.
43. The fourth line is the line of victory, the third line is the line of defeat.
44. Attack one group by leaning against another.
45. Attack two groups at the same time.
46. Attack while strengthening your weak stones.
47. Map out territory while attacking.
48. Attack with a knight's move.
49. Attack with a cap.
50. Answer a cap with a knight's move.
51. A cap together with a knight's move are a good attacking combination.
52. Make your opponent's stones heavy, then attack.
53. Rob your opponent's stones of their base, then attack.
54. Secure a base for your stones.
55. Don't strengthen your strong stones.
56. Don't make your opponent's weak stones strong.
Creating a Shortage of Liberties
57. Play a hane at the head of two stones.
58. Play a hane at the head of three stones.
59. A group that is short of liberties is in danger of being captured.
60. Play at the center of three stones.
61. Attach across the knight's move.
62. Don't cut a knight's move attachment.
63. Attach against the stronger stone.
64. Against an attachment, play a hane.
The One-Space Jump
65. A one-space jump is never a bad move.
66. Escape with a one-space jump.
67. Even a fool will connect against a peep.
68. Don't eliminate a cut with a peep.
69. Destroy an eye with a peep.
70. Don't play two peeps against a bamboo joint.
71. Capture the cutting stone.
72. When caught in a crosscut, extend.
The Endgame
73. The monkey jump is worth 8 points.
74. Be the first to play a double-sente sequence.
Miscellaneous Principles
75. The turn in the center is a big move.
76. Increase the sacrifice to two stones.
77. Sacrifice cumbersome stones.
78. In a symmetrical position, play on the central point.
79. If you don't have a good move, play elsewhere.
80. An approach-move ko that needs two moves to turn it into a direct ko is not a ko.
81. My opponent's vital point is also my vital point.
Life and Death
82. In a capturing race, a group with one eye beats a group with no eyes.
83. There's death in a hane.
84. A three-space eye has three libertties.
85. A four-space eye has five liberties.
86. A five-space eye has eight liberties
87. A six-space eye has 12 liberties.
88. In the corner, six live, four die.
89. On the side, eight live, seven die.
90. The comb formation is alive.
91. Three crows in the corner always live.
92. There's a brilliant move on the 2–1 point.
Ten Rules of Go 围棋十诀
不得贪胜 Don’t be greedy for victory.
Don’t overextend. When you are ahead in the game, strengthen your weaknesses before taking additional risk. Keep situations simple when in a winning position.
入界宜缓 Move cautiously into contested areas.
When your opponent is building a moyo, the right moment to invade is often just before the end of the construction of his moyo. Be unhurried to enter an opponent’s territory. In an opponent’s sphere of influence, avoid sharp conflict and don’t move in too deeply. Be prepared to move back out quickly and lightly when reducing.
攻彼顾我 Attack the enemy while taking care of yourself.
When you attack an opponent, it is necessary to also pay attention to your own position. If you can strengthen by attacking an opponent’s group, it will be a superior strategy. Fighting must not be the main focus of go but should be held in reserve and carried out with extreme care.
弃子争先 Sacrifice stones to gain sente.
Think globally, discard the useless stones, and take the big points in sente. Sometimes you need to sacrifice stones to regain sente.
舍小就大 Give up the small; Take care of the big.
The value of the potential of stones depends on the styles of the players and the formation and balance of all the stones on the whole board.
逢危须弃 Whenever you face a dangerous situation, it may be necessary to sacrifice to avoid a worse situation.
When in danger, consider discarding stones. Turn peril into safety. The Modern Chinese legend Guo Ti Sheng 过惕生 has a famous saying: “What move scares you? It’s not the move capturing your stone, it is the move allowing you to capture.”
[Ni Wei Ping is the inner circle disciple of Guo Ti Sheng and received his advanced teachings. 聂卫平是他的入室弟子。]
慎勿轻速 It is prudent not to make hasty moves.
If you play too quickly and carelessly, you risk making big errors and missing powerful maneuvers. Play thick shapes and do not blindly contend for sente. Plan out strategies with careful calculations before committing moves.
动须相应 Before executing a local strategy, make global preparations in sente which can be used in concert later.
If you want to launch a fight or destroy a moyo, you need to make preparations beforehand.
彼强自保 When the enemy is strong, protect yourself.
When your opponent’s influence is thick, it is best is to make yourself thick rather than play close to your opponent’s thickness. Keep away from thickness. Quietly look for ways to settle your groups.
势孤求和 When isolated and weak, it is best to seek a peaceful solution.
If you are in a delicate situation with several weak groups, it is better to find a compromise than to fight. Consider ways to stave off immediate attacks on the weak groups to keep aji for later use.
[The above is compiled from various sources including parts from “Mysteries of Weiqi ——- The King’s Golden Rules” by Youyi Chen]
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